Spring Lawn Care “Honey Do List”
While the “spray everything with Febreze” workaround might work for your indoor spring cleaning chores, it is unfortunately not a feasible option for your outdoor spring cleaning and spring lawn care needs. It’s a bummer, we know. Luckily, we can help you organize your spring lawn care “Honey Do List” with this handy checklist.
- Pick up trash: That has collected in your lawn and underneath trees and shrubs during the winter. Take note of any bald spots in your grass that will need to be addressed.
- Rake and compost: Get rid of dead grass and leaves and start a compost pile with the yard waste. If you have an existing supply of compost that’s ready to use, apply a light layer on your yard to give your grass a much-needed boost.
- Fertilize: Apply fertilizer and bio-nutrients to your grass and fertilizer and systemic insecticide to the foliage and roots of trees and shrubs. Use organic fertilizers whenever possible.
- Prune: Get rid of dead and damaged branches from trees and shrubs and cut back perennial flowers.
- Give the mower a once over: Clean and sharpen blades, check gas and oil and run it for a few minutes to prep it for the year’s first cutting.
- Clean gutters: Clear them of debris from winter storms.
- Pressure wash siding: Top to bottom, to remove dirt, salt, and grime.
- Wash windows and screens: Both inside and out.
- Check wooden decks for rot and decay: Repair, restain and reseal as needed.
- Scrub and treat outdoor furniture: If it has been sitting out in the elements all winter long, or bring it out from storage and give it a good dusting.
Not that we’re pointing fingers, but if your “Honey Do List” rarely gets done, don’t worry. Pure Green’s Middle TN lawn care specialists are here to help you check items off your spring lawn care list. Call us today at 615.988.6777, or fill out our easy online form to get an estimate.