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Lawn and Garden FAQs: Cicadas Edition

As nature unfolds its own rhythms and cycles, sometimes it brings about phenomena that are both fascinating and challenging. One such event we are gearing up for is the Cicada Super Bloom 2024, also known as the Cicada Double Brood. This is not just any cicada emergence—it’s a rare occurrence where two different cicada cycles, the 13-year and the 17-year, synchronize and emerge at the same time. This event happens only about once every 200 years!

The Cicada Super Bloom will affect a large area across the Eastern half of the United States. While these creatures are mostly harmless and play a beneficial role in the ecological cycle, their emergence in such vast numbers can be quite a spectacle, marked by their unmistakable loud buzzing. Despite the noise and the initial ‘gross’ factor, cicadas are generally not harmful to healthy mature trees.

However, as a leading provider of comprehensive outdoor pest control including tree and shrub care, we at Pure Green feel it’s important for you to understand what to expect and how to prepare. This event gives us a unique opportunity to observe and learn about a fascinating part of our natural world.

Knowledge and preparation can transform this event from a potential nuisance into an opportunity to enhance our connection with nature and ensure our green spaces remain vibrant and healthy.

What Is the Cicada Super Bloom 2024?

The Cicada Super Bloom 2024, also known as the Cicada Double Brood, is a rare natural event where two different groups of cicadas—one on a 13-year cycle and the other on a 17-year cycle—emerge from the ground at the same time. This happens roughly every 200 years, creating a remarkable scenario where billions of cicadas show up at once. Imagine how it would be—to hear and see such a large number of cicadas all buzzing together across many states in the Eastern United States!

This phenomenon covers a broad area, affecting many communities from small towns to large cities from the east coast to the Mississippi River.. Each cycle of cicadas usually keeps to its own schedule, but due to natural synchronicity, they occasionally overlap, resulting in this super bloom.

How Do Cicadas Affect Trees and Gardens?

Cicadas are known for their noisy mating calls, but they also impact trees and gardens in a less noisy way. When female cicadas are ready to lay eggs, they make small cuts in the branches of trees to insert their eggs. This action creates a condition known as “flagging,” where the tips of branches might turn brown and droop. Although it looks concerning, this is generally not harmful to mature, healthy trees.

However, for young or newly planted trees, this can be more of a stress. To help these young trees stay strong, we ensure they’re healthy and robust through regular checks. It’s also a good idea to use fertilizers and other soil nutrients to keep your trees in top shape. Remember, well-cared-for trees are better at handling any stress, including from cicadas.

While these insects can be quite a spectacle, they’re part of our region’s natural heritage and biodiversity. Embracing this event with the right knowledge and preparations can make it an interesting once-in-a-lifetime experience rather than a cause for concern. Working together, we can ensure our gardens and landscapes not only survive but thrive during the Cicada Super Bloom.

Practical Tips for Homeowners During Cicada Emergence

When the Cicada Super Bloom arrives, being proactive can help safeguard your trees and garden. Here are some practical steps we can all take:

  • Use Fine Mesh or Netting: Wrapping young or vulnerable trees with fine mesh or netting can prevent cicadas from laying eggs on these susceptible branches. Make sure the mesh is tight enough to stop cicadas but allow sunlight and water to reach the plant.
  • Adjust Your Planting Schedule: It’s wise to hold off on planting new trees or shrubs until after the cicada emergence. This helps ensure that young plants won’t be overwhelmed by cicada activity.
  • Regular Maintenance: Keep up with regular garden maintenance. We help by checking the health of your trees and applying necessary nutrients to strengthen them against potential stressors like cicadas.
  • By preparing in advance, you can minimize the impact of cicadas on your garden and enjoy the natural cycle of these fascinating insects without worry.

FAQs About Cicadas in Your Lawn and Garden

Many homeowners have questions about how cicadas might affect their outdoor spaces. Here are some answers to the most common queries:

Will cicadas destroy my garden? No, cicadas do not destroy gardens. They may cause some minor damage to young trees but are generally harmless to other plants.

How long will the cicadas be around? Cicadas are usually present for about 4 to 6 weeks. After this period, they typically die off, and life in your garden returns to normal.

Can I use pesticides on cicadas? Pesticides are not recommended for use on cicadas. They are not harmful enough to justify pesticide use, and pesticides can damage other beneficial insects and the environment.

These tips and knowledge should help ease any concerns about the cicada emergence. Remember, this natural event is a temporary spectacle that offers a unique glimpse into the wonders of nature.

Cicadas: The Unsung Heroes of Your Garden’s Ecosystem

As we anticipate the Cicada Super Bloom 2024, it’s an opportunity for us to connect with nature and understand the fascinating lifecycle of these insects. Although the thought of millions of cicadas may seem daunting, remember that this event is a rare natural occurrence that contributes to the health of our local environment.

Our team is here to help you prepare and manage any concerns you might have about your lawn and garden during the cicada emergence. With the right preparations and our comprehensive lawn care services, we can ensure that our green spaces stay healthy and beautiful.

If you need professional assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Pure Green is committed to providing you with the support you need to make the most of every season, cicadas or not. Let’s embrace this natural phenomenon together, with curiosity and preparedness at the forefront!