Is Your Lawn Ready for Winter?
It feels like we blinked, and the year quickly passed us. While you might be ready for the cold, your lawn is a different question.
Winterizing your lawn every year ensures healthy, lush growth in the springtime. The entire process starts with aeration in early to mid-fall and continues until the beginning of winter.
At this point in the year, you should have already aerated, overseeded, and removed weeds from your lawn, but there are still maintenance items left to do. Here are a few tasks for your lawn winterizing to-do list:
Use Winterizer
It might sound like a made-up word, but trust us on this one! Winterizer is a unique type of fertilizer designed to help lawns store more nutrients for winter survival.
The best time to apply it is after the grass stops growing in the fall. Winterizer is essential because even though blade growth stops, roots below the surface remain active. By the time warmer weather comes back around, winterizer ensures that the roots will have a supply of nutrients at their disposal.
Insulate Plant Beds
Think of mulching as putting a large blanket on your plants, trees, and shrubs. Mulch helps prepare your yard for winter by guarding the plant beds against colder temperatures and harsh weather conditions.
You’ll want to wait until the first real freeze and apply mulch (about 2 to 4 inches deep) around your plants. Spread it around the base of trees and shrubs. Cover the soil evenly, but don’t pack it down tight. To prevent any stems and bark from rotting, pull mulch 1 to 2 inches away from woody stems and tree trunks.
Remove Fallen Leaves
Sure, the fallen leaves look beautiful on the ground, but you don’t want to leave them on your lawn. It’s a point we have to stress every year. The more leaves you have on your turf, the more moisture will be trapped, causing unwanted mold and damage. They also block sunlight and warmth from reaching your grass.
Rather than using a rake to get rid of the leaves, we recommend a leaf blower. Rakes can damage any seeds that have already been spread and ruin their growth. Plus, using a leaf blower is quicker, which means less time spent working on the lawn and more time for the things you love. We call that a win.
Do Irrigation Maintenance
Once you’ve watered for the last time, be sure to empty the irrigation system (which we highly recommend if you don’t currently have one!). It’s essential in preventing damage to your pipes during the winter. Save yourself the hassle and cost of installing a new irrigation system in the spring by getting rid of the excess water now.
The weather might be cold, but don’t neglect your yard work! Winterize your lawn properly and you’re bound to see Great Green Grass in the spring. And if you need help, give the lawn care professionals at Pure Green a call.