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Enjoy the Perfect Tennessee Backyard Picnic

Nothing says summertime like a backyard picnic. If you plan to spend a lot of time outside this summer picnicking on the grass, Great Green Grass is a must. But, it’s also important that you get the greenest grass possible in the greenest way possible — especially if you have pets and kids. At Pure Green, our organic lawn care program reduces pesticides by up to 50%, making your grass 50% healthier for your family.
Don’t invite bugs to your next backyard picnic either. Pure Green can help you get rid of pesky (and disease carrying) fleas, ticks and mosquitos without applying loads of chemicals to your turf and landscape.
Once you have lush, green, insect-free grass all you really need for the perfect Tennessee backyard picnic is delicious food. We are not culinary experts here at Pure Green, but we can share yummy recipes from other local foodies. We’re dying to try these!
We hope you and your family have plenty of opportunities for backyard picnics this summer. And, if you need help getting your grass backyard picnic-worthy, we’re always here to help. Visit us online to get your organic lawn care treatment estimate today!