Don’t Wait – Proper Lawn Care Starts Now!
We are currently in the 40 hottest days of the year! By now, your turf is undoubtedly stressed from the hot temps and all the fun summer outdoor activities. Grass is resourceful and equipped to endure stress at this time of year though. How well your grass handles the summer heat can be a sign of how good the root system really is, or how much work is required in the near future. Fall is undeniably the best time to aerate, seed and renovate but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook now. There are a few things that can be done in August that will prepare your grass for the hard work ahead.
What can you do NOW?
1-Check your lawn regularly for insects, the bad kind, including grubs and surface feeding insects. Your lawn can handle some insects as they are part of a balanced ecosystem. However, if you have a heavy infestation, treat it now before aerating or seeding in the fall.
2-Be sure to leave those grass clippings on the lawn. This will recycle nutrients and water back into the soil, which is especially helpful during periods of little rainfall.
3-Clean up and stay on top of debris and weeds! Down south, we experience many summer thunderstorms leaving tree limbs and debris on the lawn. Pick those up as they fall. And be sure to pull or spray those weeds as they pop up. Be sure to identify the weeds as grassy or broadleaf and get a post-emergent aimed at the weeds growing.
4-Conduct a soil test. Good soil is essential for a healthy lawn and testing it is an inexpensive way to improve the landscape. The test will help determine if your lawn is neutral, acidic or alkaline so you can properly adjust the soil to the appropriate pH level. It will also test for micronutrient availability. This measures how well nutrients can be absorbed from the soil by plants and grass.
5-DON’T renovate in the summer. Turf is under stress now and renovations are not a good idea as new grass will have a hard time rooting. Wait until fall when temps are lower and days are shorter. The new plants and grass will take hold more efficiently.
Fall is the ideal time to both seed and aerate, but don’t wait to prep your lawn. Follow the steps above to ready your lawn for these important lawn maintenance actions!
Still have questions about prepping your lawn for the fall? Give our experts a call!